Saturday, October 28, 2017

Object Oriented Programming

History of C++

 History of c++ OR What is c++?
o      C++ is object oriented language. It was found in year 1980.
o      It was made by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell lab, NJ, USA.
o      C++ contains power of c language as well as it supports object oriented programming features.
o      So c++ is extended c language with classes, so initially c++ was  called as ‘C with classes’.
o      However later in 1983 name was changed to c++.
o      The idea of c++ language is comes from ++ operator of c language, so named given as c++ which suggesting that it is increment version of c.
o      During the early 1990s the language underwent a number of improvements and changes.
o      These changes were made fixed by ANSI / ISO standards committee in November 1997.  It also added several new features to it.
o      C++ is a super set of c. Therefore all C programs are also C++ programs.
o      However there are some minor difference between c and c++.
o      C++ adds some good features that c does not have like classes, inheritance, function overloading, operator overloading etc.
o      C provides us top – down programming while C++ provides us bottom – up programming.

Difference between POP & OOP

Procedure oriented programming (POP)
Object oriented programming (OOP)
POP emphasis on algorithms (procedure)
OOP emphasis on data rather than procedure.
Large programs are divided into smaller programs known as functions.
Programs are divided into objects.
They have not facility to hide data.
They have facility to hide data from outside world.
Function can transfer data from one function to another and one form to another form.
Objects can communication with each other using functions.
It does not have powerful features like operator overloading, inheritance etc.
It contains powerful features like operator overloading, inheritance.
For design program it uses top-down approach.
For design program it uses bottom-up approach.
Examples: C, COBOL, FORTRAN etc.
Examples: C++


o     Objects are basic runtime entity in object oriented system. 
o      Objects may be a pen, a person, a table etc.
o      Objects may define user define data types like time, vectors etc.
o      Programming problems analyzed in terms of objects.
o      Object should be chosen such that they match closely with real world objects.
o      Objects required memory space for storage just like structure of ‘C’ language.
o      One object can send message to another objects.
o      For example student and record are two objects and student object may send request to record object for marks, then record object send marks for particular student.
o      Object can interact with each other without having knowledge about data and code of each other’s.
o      Following are ways to represents an object.


o      Classes are user defined data types and it behaves like built in types of programming language.

o      Object contains code and data which can be made user define type using class.

o      Objects are variables of class.

o      Once a class has been defined we can create any number of objects for that class. A class is collections of objects of similar type.

o      We can create object of class using following syntax,

Syntax:   class-name object-name;

o      Here class name is class which is already created. Object name is any user define name. For example, if student is class,

Example: student s1, s2;

o      In example s1 and s2 are name of objects for class student. We can create any number of objects for class.


o      Combine data and functions into a single unit (called class) known as encapsulation.
o      Encapsulation is most important features of class. By which we can combine data and functions in one unit.
o      Using encapsulation we can hide data from outside world.
o      To hide data from direct access by program is known as data hiding or information hiding.

Data Abstraction

Data Abstraction:
o      Abstraction refers representation of necessary features without including more details or explanations.
o      Classes use the concept of abstraction.
o      Classes define list of abstract attributes like height, weight etc.
o      These attributes are sometimes called data members because they hold information. The functions that operate on these data are sometimes called methods or member functions.
o      Since classes use the concept of data abstraction, they are known as Abstract Data Types (ADT).